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What is a Panel Upgrade and Why Do You Need One?


If you own an older home or have recently added new appliances, you may need a panel upgrade. In this article, we’ll discuss what a panel upgrade is and why you may need one.

What is a Panel Upgrade?

A panel upgrade involves replacing your home’s electrical panel with a newer, more powerful one. This allows for more circuits and higher amperage, which is necessary for powering modern appliances and electronics.

Signs You Need a Panel Upgrade

If you’re experiencing frequent tripped breakers, flickering lights, or have added new appliances to your home, it may be time for a panel upgrade. Additionally, if your home is more than 20 years old and still has a fuse box, it’s likely in need of an upgrade.

Benefits of a Panel Upgrade

A panel upgrade can provide several benefits, including increased electrical capacity, improved safety, and a more efficient and reliable electrical system. It can also increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers.


In conclusion, a panel upgrade is necessary for homeowners who have older homes or have added new appliances that require more electrical capacity. Signs that you may need a panel upgrade include frequent tripped breakers and flickering lights. Upgrading your electrical panel provides several benefits, including increased electrical capacity, improved safety, and a more efficient and reliable electrical system.