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A Complete Beginner’s Guide on the Working Principle of Air Source Heat Pumps Work

When it comes to sustainable and cost-effective heating and cooling solutions, one emerging solution we recommend is air source heat pumps (ASHPs). But how exactly do ASHP systems work? Are they worth the hype in terms of energy efficiency?

As you read on, you’ll discover exactly how the air source heat pumps work. You’ll also find a few reasons why investing in these pumps is worth it in Melbourne today.

What exactly is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump is engineered to work in two different ways—heating or cooling. For heating, this system helps to transfer heat from the outside air into your home. For cooling purposes, the system removes heat from the inside to keep your home cool.

Air-source heating and traditional heating systems have a few things in common. They heat to heat the indoor space. However, they are never the same. Conventional systems burn fossil fuels to generate heat. ASHPs, on the other hand, use a small amount of electricity for heat transfer. This explains why air-source heat pumps are known to be more energy-efficient and sustainable.


What is the science behind ASHPs?

ASHP systems work on the principle of heat transfer. Regardless of the season, the outdoor air is known to have heat energy. Air source heat pumps work by taking advantage of this heat to warm indoor environments. The entire cooling process is divided into 4 steps:

  • Heat absorption
  • Compression
  • Heat transfer
  • Cooling and reuse


 Heat absorption

The heat pump has a refrigerant. Regardless of the temperature, this offering absorbs heat from the outside air. The refrigerant absorbs heat and then evaporates into the gaseous state.


Compression occurs after the refrigerant evaporates into gas. The compression significantly increases the gas temperature. This process aims to create usable heat for the indoor space.

Heat transfer

As the gaseous refrigerant gets compressed, it becomes hot. The hot refrigerant further transfers its heat to the air or water that’s available in the heating system. The heat is further distributed to your systems—radiators, air ducts, or underfloor heating.

Cooling & Reuse

After heat transfer occurs, the refrigerant cools and returns to a liquid state. It starts the cycle all over again, providing warmth to indoor spaces as needed.

How does cooling work?

The cooling mode of ASHPs works by reversing the aforementioned steps. In warmer months, ASHPs extract heat from your indoor air. It releases the heat outside and keeps your home comfortably cool.


Why should you invest in an ASHP system?

Air source heat pumps are worth investing in because of the numerous advantages they offer. Some of them include:

  • These systems are energy efficient. They only rely on a small amount of electricity for heat transfer.
  • Furthermore, ASHPs are cost-saving solutions. They help by lowering your energy consumption and reducing your utility bills.
  • ASHPs are eco-friendly because they only involve a low combustion process. This means reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • These systems are versatile. You can rely on them to either cool or heat your home.


Why choose SóGeo’s for your air source heat pump installation?

Experts at SóGeo are fully committed to delivering top-quality, European-trained expertise in geothermal heating and air source heat pump systems. They’ll handle your installation project, ensuring you receive a reliable and sustainable heating/cooling solution.

Contact SóGeo via the official website today to better understand why air source heat pump solutions matter for your home.